Return of the Cloth: An Easter Parable for All Seasons

By Louis A. Tartaglia M.D

The two nomads pushed their camels eastward at a grueling pace. They were running on a direct line from a point east of Beersheba in the desert toward the southern tip of the Dead Sea. It led directly away from a mass of dark angry clouds in the distance. They could smell the storm, though it hadn’t reached them yet.

“Christ’s light was so powerful that His image was burned into the Shroud of Turin forever.
Dr. T illuminates the story in an omni-delightful, easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, and irresistibly compelling way that you will love and want to share with everyone
you love. Happy reading.”

Mark Victor Hansen, World’s Bestselling Author, Co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, ASK!, and One Minute Millionaire series.

Published By The Mark Victor Hansen Library